Since I began writing this blog, I have received the most beautiful, loving and supportive emails from friends, aquaintances and family members. I am so thrilled that my journey is somehow inspiring others to pursue their own dreams.
A lot of similar questions have been coming my way and my dear friend, Meredith Salenger, suggested that I share some answers here.
A few answers:
1. What are you doing with your belongings? Everything I own will be going into Public Storage except for the things in my one suitcase and one backpack. Feels liberating!
2. What are you doing with your dogs? Family and friends will be taking care of them. They were a big reason for my initial hesitation about leaving but I know they will be loved and very well taken care of. That being said, I am going to miss them both tremendously.
3. Where will you be staying? So far, I know of two destinations. I will be staying at Parmath Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, India and a friend's house in Bali.
4. How long do you anticipate staying? At least 4 months
5. Do you know anyone in India? Nope, but I look forward to meeting all of my new friends.
6. What are you bringing with you? Half my suitcase is a pharmacy, the other half is clothing, books, journals and art supplies.
7. What will you be doing over there? A lot of Yoga, Meditation and Seva work (community service).
8. Will you be working while you are there? I plan on being of service wherever I am needed.
9. Are you scared? Not really. I feel very protected and know that I am meant to take this trip. I feel more excited than anything.
10. Where else will you be traveling? Bali and possibly Vietnam and Australia.
Please keep the questions coming and thank you for all the love and encouragement!
Om Namo Narayani