Woke up early this morning to set up the yard sale. Hoards of junkyard junkies showed up at my door at 8 am in search of treasures. As they sifted and literally tore through "stuff", I smiled internally at the irony of the experience. Here I am, trying to release my attachment to things and here they were relishing in my purge.
If you have never experienced the gratification of letting go of things that you have collected over the years, things that may be sitting in boxes in your garage or storage or closet and have ever wanted to I suggest you give a yard sale a try. There is great pleasure to be found in detaching from stuff that may be useless to you, but may bring great happiness to another.
So now the real packing begins. And soon the storing will take place. And then...
On another note, a group of friends showed up for me today who consistently define friendship. I have mentioned it before, and I will continue to because they merit the accolades, but I am seriously blown away by my "chosen family". I could never have dreamed of a more supportive and loving crew. I love you and will miss you tremendously but know that you will be with me every step of the way.